Saturday, January 10, 2015


10 days in to January and I think that by now I should have come up with a few goals to work on. I understand the importance of writing my goals out as well as making a specific plan to achieve them. Luckily, my job introduced an S.M.A.R.T way of goal planning that I’m able to incorporate in my personal life. Below I’ll share 10 of the goals that I’m working on this year. 

1. Read More Books (at least one per month)
2. Work Out On A Regular Basis (I really want to get into Yoga)
3. Work On My Relationship With God/Attend, Join, and Become Active In a Church
4. Blog On A Regular Basis (try to attend at least one conference, for free *fingers crossed*)
5. Take More Pictures With My DSLR (and try to upgrade it by the end of the year)
6. Go On More Adventures (try and get in at least 2/3 trips)
7. Work On Getting A Professional Certification In Something
8. Stop Procrastinating!!!
9. Get a better job that I actually love and make more money
10. Become More Financially Fit (save more)

Have you set any goals for 2015? If so, what were they?