Thursday, September 5, 2013

Best of Fall...

Day 3 of Blogtember challenge:

Pass on some useful advice that you've learned and always remembered.

Fall is a time when the days become longer and school is back in session. For me Fall 2001 was a time that I'll never forget. It's when I was able to cross the burning sands into AKAland and you couldn't tell me nothing. Everything around me was salmon pink and apple green or some form of pink and green. Greek life consumed my time, my mind, and my money. I was either getting ready for a step show, going to a step show, learning a new stroll, or doing work in the community on behalf on AKA. When I say you couldn't tell me anything, I really thought that my ish didn't stank. I remember going home and speaking to my aunt who was a Zeta (member of Zeta Phi Theta, Inc) and just boasting and bragging and she let me have all of 15 seconds before she went in. The advice that she gave me was that it isn't about who's first, who's the prettiest, or who runs the yard; its about the service. For some reason that information always resonated with me. However, I was a just a wanna be grown sophomore in college and didn't actually embrace her advice until afterwards, but from time to time I'd hear her voice and her words. Now that I'm much more mature I truly get what she meant. Now in my mind and reality  my sorority is the best, but being a member of The Devine Nine is a brotherhood and sisterhood in itself. We're supposed to be there to support our community, speak out for those who don't have a voice and simply be of service, because at the end of the day, anyone can wear the colors...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this #sistercousins